Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well, let's get started. To be honest, I have no idea what i'm gonna do with this blog since I already have one wordpress account and one Facebook account. Just becoz my best friend asked me to join blogspot so here I am anyway.

I'm no one but an ordinary girl who always want to hide myself under many public masks. Sometimes I act like I'm really social, easy-going, humorous, blah blah blah... but actually I always find it really difficult to get into a conversation with another. That's why many people find me as a hard-to-get-closed person hmm :(

I'm not beautiful, not skinny, not popular... sometimes I'm such a social-reject lol. No kidding, that's serious =)

Nah, I'm not here to talk about how autistic I am :")

Like many other girls, I have my own hobby xD Call me crazy but I really love perfume (really addicted to the smell)... Every time I feel tired, depressed, everything seems like out of control, I always put my favorite perfume on, smell it, feel it and relax :") Sounds crazy rite?

Anw, it's just a random blog so maybe one day, when I get bored, I'm gonna write a review about some perfume I have ;)

It's 8:10 AM now but I feel a little bit dizzy so... hmm, guess my bed is waiting for me.


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