Wednesday, May 2, 2012


It has been more than 1 year since the last day I updated this blog. Guess I'm not really into blogging as much as I thought I would.

The weather in this small town still sucks. It rains sometimes and suddenly turns out to be sunny all day long. The summer finally arrives *sigh*

Okay. That's enough complaining about the weather here. Today I want to blog something about my all time maniac addict: PERFUME :)

I can't remember since when I started to collect perfume. I was interested in perfume probably when I was in high school. I always dream of having a perfume store in Vietnam when I come back. I want to show people how much I love the smell and I want everyone to understand HOW to put perfume on properly.

Normally, I have summer fragrances and winter fragrances. FYI, basically people always use "eau de parfum" fragrances for autumn/winter, "eau de toilette" fragrances for summer/spring.

Here is some you-should-know basic stuff for perfume:

  • Perfume, also called extract or extrait perfume, can include 15-40% perfume concentrates. This is the purest form of scented product and is the most expensive as a result.
  • Eau de parfum contains about 7-15% perfume concentrates. This is the most popular and common form of perfume. It provides a long-lasting fragrance and generally doesn't cost as much as extract perfume.
  • Eau de toilette has around 1-6% perfume concentrates. This makes for a light scent that doesn't linger as long as the more intense versions. It was originally intended to be a refreshing body splash to help people wake up in the morning.
  • Eau de cologne is sometimes used interchangeably with the term eau de toilette. However, the concoction began as the name of a light, fresh fragrance mixed with citrus oils and was made popular by Napoleon. Some perfumers today have a version of this called eau fraiche

  • That's what people say. But, personally, I sometimes use "eau de parfum" fragrances for summer and it's not bad at all. For example, Dior J'adore is one of my favorite perfume for night. Since the scent is quite strong (or warm), I barely use it for daytime even in the winter. However, I find J'adore perfect for night time, summer or winter either way. So it is totally up to you to decide whether daytime or night time, summer or winter, hot or cold,... There is no rule to tell you to/not to use fragrances. And remember, the scent changes for everyone. My friend is crazy about Aqua di Gio, it is actually from Giorgio Armani summer collection but it smells terribly on me (!!!!!) I would say I might use that fragrance in a cold weather, definitely not in a hot summer day.

    Back to my haul, as you can see, I have about 10 fragrances. I love to organize my perfume, though my room is a mess but I always try my best to keep my fragrances area organized >o< Usually, I put all of my perfume into 2 boxes: one mainly for fresh/cold weather (let's say "Winter box"), one mainly for hot/wet weather ("Summer box")

    "Winter box": 

    1. Gucci Eau de Parfum II: I actually "stole" this one from my mom =) Since it once belonged to my mom, you can easily tell how it smells =) Yes, it is a little bit "lady" scent. But I have been using this one for more than 2 years and still love it. Perfectly for night time (I feel dizzy when I use it for daytime)

    2. Burberry Brit Eau de Toilette: Okay, here you go. An "eau de toilette" perfume but perfectly use for winter :) I have never been so crazy about Burberry Fragrances. I don't think they are doing well with the scent, but for this one, I highly recommend for night time (or even daytime)! The top note is not that good but the base note is awesome. It's gentle, fresh (but I never use it for summer lol) and a little warm.

    3. Elizabeth Arden Provocative Woman: Ha! The name says it all. It is definitely "not for teen" perfume :) Actually the first time I saw this one is when I was in high school. My dad gave me a set of Elizabeth Arden fragrances. I still remember I love this bottle and the "5th Avenue". But two of them, I would recommend using for winter (cold weather).

    "Summer box:

    1. Vera Wang Flower Princess: It is definitely my top choice for summer. It is sweet and so fresh. I am a crazy fan of Vera Wang fragrances. I don't really like all of their "princess set" but this one, this one is a must for summer fragrances choices!!!

    2. Vera Wang Lovestruck: An "eau de parfum" fragrance from a summer collection. Many people said this one smells really really strong and they will only use it for winter (or night time). But well, I find it perfect for my summer =) The odor is strong, yes I have to admit, but well, since I have to go out for a whole day, I need to make sure my perfume can last at least 5 hours. The top note of Lovestruck is not something that I am crazy about, but the base note is super nice :) and romantic also ;) Perfect for a summer date with a hot guy =D

    3. Juicy Couture Eau de Parfum Spray: Another "eau de parfum" fragrance :) I love this scent sooooo much, sometimes I put it on after taking shower even I don't have to go out lol.

    4. Versace Bright Crystal: This is my very first fragrance that I set my eyes on. My friend hates it though lol. She said the scent is a little sour lmaoooo. But well, personal taste xD Still, after 5 years, it is still on my top choices.

    That's all I want to share with yu guys today :) Hope it helps a bit when you choose your favorite perfume. Remember: fragrances are not something you put on when you smell bad. It is the way you make yourself remarkable to others using scent ;) 

    Much love xx

    .Thu Bi.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    The Body Shop Skincare for Acne review

    Halo :") It's quite a while since the last time I updated this blog xD Plz excuse for my laziness lol.

    Anw, let's be ready for today's posttttttt.

    Ready? Set? Gooooooooooooooooooooo.

    Okay, since you can see on my profile, my skin type is pretty annoying T___T It's extremely oily at anytime in any weather, no matter it's summer or winter, hot or cold... especially the T-zone (forehead and nose). Everyone should know why our skins have zits (pimples) rite? Because of the dust and the weather plus your skin's oil.

    I have tried Clinique 3-step treatment for acne in 2 months and to be honest, it doesn't work very well with my skin (I have no idea how it will work with your skin, bleh xD). Anw, let's talk about Clinique 3-step set a little bit just to make sure you have some idea about this product. Clinique 3-step set has 3 products that go along (stupid answer :">), one is cleanser, one is exfoliating lotion (which used as toner) and moisturizing cream (oil-free). Well, I think those products are quite basic for an acne treatment. First, you need to clean your face, then exfoliate all the dirty dust and oil in your skin, last but not least, moisturizeeee!!!

    Every people said Clinique 3-step treatment is GOOD, THE BEST TREATMENT FOR ACNE, blah blah blah. But I personally find it not really effective for my skin. So I decided to try The body shop (TBS) skincare. Well, with TBS, it doesn't come with a set, you have to buy the products individually. I've bought 3 products from TBS for acne treatment: Tea Tree Blackhead Exfoliating Wash, Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner, Tea Tree Face Mask. As you can see on TBS website, they classify the skin type into 4 (or 5) types and they have the specific products for each skin type. My skin type is: oily, blemishes, blackheaded and easy to break-out; then I should use the Tea Tree products. 

    Firssssssssssttttt, I just want you to be aware that the smell of the Tea Tree products is DISGUSTING!!!! Even I really love these products, I cannot stand the smell. I remember the first time I used the Tea Tree Clearing Toner, I almost threw up -_______- Now I still have to hold my breath whenever I use the toner T^T However, the efficiency that it brings is amazing :) 

    Well, let's get started with the Exfoliating Wash.

    For this cleanser, you need to use it everyday for at least 2 times: in the morning when you wake up and at night before you're about to sleep. Remember you have to remove all the make-up first. Use this cleanser with a bare face (no make-up, no moisturizing cream). It will not help you with your pimples and blackhead immediately, it may take at least 1 week for you to see the differences. For any of you who don't know how to use cleanser (LOL just in case), I have a great tip for you. No matter what kind of cleanser you use, do not put it on your face more than 15 seconds. It may burn your face or even worse, it may cause some dryness and of course, it cannot help your skin to be healthier. 

    Next, my all-timer favorite toner: Tea tree clearing toner.

    Well, as I said above, the smell is disgusting and if you cannot stand this smell, I recommend you not to use this product. Before you use this toner, you have to shake it very well (I love to shake it while I'm singing "I'm a loner - CNBlue", lol sorry I'm such a freak =D). Many people said when you use the toner, you should apply it with your hands. But for this product, I highly recommend you to use the cotton ball or the cotton pad (I would say I love the cotton ball more, the jumbo size mhmm :x) Shake well, then pour a little bit to a cotton ball and sweep over face and neck. It may burn a little bit for the first time use, it is because your skin gets shocked with the product, try to use less. I would say for the 1st time, you should apply just a little and when you skin gets used to this toner, use more :) 

    If you ask about my moisturizing cream, I would say I still love the Clinique moisture surge, but just for the night because this moisturizing cream takes quite a long time to completely sink into your skin. You can still use it under the make up in the day time but I wouldn't recommend that :) 

    Last but not least, the Tea Tree Face Mask~

    I really really really really love this maskkkkk!!!! It's amazing!!! Fyi, there's one tip that my friend told me a couple days before: you can use a foundation brush to apply the mask =D But when I searched on the Internet, some of the reviews said you should use your hand to apply the mask since your hands are quite warm and it will make the cream to be easier to blend. I have no idea which one is better but I prefer to use the brush. Like most of the treatment for acne products, for the first time use, it will shock your skin and it may burn your skin also. Use less if you feel the dryness after using, you should feel smooth and clean, not dry =D They recommend to use this product for 2-3 times per week, but for me, 1-2 times is enough. Don't use more than 3 times even you think it may help your skin faster =D

    Phew, I think I'm quite done =D All set? Well, I hope my post may help a little bit :) But you have to know the best treatment for acne skin is "eat properly, sleep well, no stress, drink a lot of water, no caffeine, no alcohol" (I drink a lot of coffee, stay up late at night, no wonder why... =( )

    Happy acne treatment~!

    Monday, March 28, 2011

    Maybelline colorsensational Make Me Pink Swatch

    Halo~ :)

    Seems like I find this blog more interesting than I thought xD

    A couple days ago, I went to Walmart with my friend (we do have a mall here, but I have no idea why Maybelline doesn't sell in that mall, the only place where I can buy Maybelline is Walmart >"< Sr, Fayetteville is just a small town '___________' )

    Anw, I bought a lipstick from Maybelline, woo hoooo <3 This lipstick came out quite a long time ago, it's not a new-arrival one ~.~ I know I'm quite off-time :") This lipstick's name is Make me Pink (fyi Maybelline colorsensational Make Me Pink) Yayyyy, even it said the color is PINK but I somehow find it as a NUDE color, hmm... which has A LITTLE BIT pinky, but still nude =))

    Here is the picture from Google:

    The color is exactly the same when I opened the lipstick, or maybe a little bit brighter (I really suck at distinguish the color >"< I just know "a little bit brighter, little darker blah blah blah... I cannot explain exactly how it's different ~.~ ). But anyway, it looks LIKE nude on me so I find it perfect for a summer lipstick yayyyy me!!!

    (okay next time I'll put some hands cream first :">)

    This is the true color when I tried it on my hand after applying AT LEAST 5-6 times LOL. It really looks nude on me since my lips' color is a little pinky already *arrogant face >:)* but I have no idea how it looks on you, so just take this swatch as an opinion ;)

    Well, the weather in Fayetteville is getting crazier day by day >"< The winter may last until April (last year, we DO have snow even it's March ~.~), then the summer comes (oh damn >"<). The most horrible summer I've been through is last year when I came back to Vietnam for summer vacation... I have no idea how to describe the hot weather as HELL over there >"< Everyone told me the summer in the USA is fine since I can be through the summer in Vietnam... but HELL NO ~.~ In summer, the weather is crazily dry, I have to use the wet tissue on my face every 10 minutes... I even have to use the winter moisturize lotion for my hands can you believe that?????

    Anw, sorry for being off-topic :") Nude color is always the best choice for summer lipstick :) You don't want to look HOT while you have to suffer a 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) weather I swear >"<

    Okayyyy, guess I have to be back with my homework *crying* 1 essay, 2 up-coming tests to go and I haven't started yet awwww!!!!

    Fyi, my all-time favorite moisturizing lip balm is Shiseido cool water lip balm or Burt's Bees lip balm if you want to have the sun protecting :)

    Ciao bella :*

    Sunday, March 27, 2011


    Well, let's get started. To be honest, I have no idea what i'm gonna do with this blog since I already have one wordpress account and one Facebook account. Just becoz my best friend asked me to join blogspot so here I am anyway.

    I'm no one but an ordinary girl who always want to hide myself under many public masks. Sometimes I act like I'm really social, easy-going, humorous, blah blah blah... but actually I always find it really difficult to get into a conversation with another. That's why many people find me as a hard-to-get-closed person hmm :(

    I'm not beautiful, not skinny, not popular... sometimes I'm such a social-reject lol. No kidding, that's serious =)

    Nah, I'm not here to talk about how autistic I am :")

    Like many other girls, I have my own hobby xD Call me crazy but I really love perfume (really addicted to the smell)... Every time I feel tired, depressed, everything seems like out of control, I always put my favorite perfume on, smell it, feel it and relax :") Sounds crazy rite?

    Anw, it's just a random blog so maybe one day, when I get bored, I'm gonna write a review about some perfume I have ;)

    It's 8:10 AM now but I feel a little bit dizzy so... hmm, guess my bed is waiting for me.
